Why is it more and more often I’m finding that every time I buy then open a can of soda it explodes?
One spring afternoon my dad and I walk to the corner store known as 7-11. It was one of those super hot summer days, so we thought it be a great idea to buy a soda to cool our self down especially since the central air conditioning was not working right . It probably wasn’t the best idea because soda actually dehydrates you but we weren’t thinking about that at the time. As we walked in, we eventually went our separate ways, I looked around, while he bought a lottery ticket. Once I was near the drinks aisle I waited there for him. As I was standing there I noticed two teenage boys shaking a bunch of soda cans. When my father walked over beside me I pointed to them.
He said “Don’t point, you do not want to start trouble”.
I nodded and didn’t say a word and we ended up buying ice tea, Also before we left I stuck my tongue at them( I was about 5 years old at the time) when my dad wasn’t looking. Well at least we didn’t do home empty handed.
The Mess
Now lets say you bought a soda, and as you opened it , the can exploded. There goes already half the soda ,and your wallet and you didn’t even take a sip of it yet. When it explodes it gets everywhere, on the ceiling, the walls, the counter top,the floor, oh! and don’t forget your hands. You have to hurry up and clean the mess before it gets too sticky, which everyone knows it’s a hassle.
A Solution?
Maybe if soda companies made the cans bigger and kept the same amount of soda in it, not all of it would rush to the top. But I doubt them actually doing that. Companies like Coke or Pepsi's don’t care what happens after they buy the can, and they do not want to spend money making it easier for you. You could have bought a can of soda not drink it and throw it at a person’s head, as long as you BOUGHT the soda they don’t really mind.
Stop Buying It
The best way not to deal with “The Mess” do not buy soda, and you just might make yourself a little more healthier than the day before!
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