If I had to choose my profession right now I would like to be a pediatrician for so many reasons. First of all my mother was a social worker for children and now owns a daycare/preschool. She has been always dedicated to helping young children and I have always look up to her for that. Now I want to do the same thing when I grow up. I also love how cute small children are! Everyone wants to be something different when they grow up, but when the time comes to choose your profession you might not choose want you want to be right now.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Future Job
In my opinion twelve year olds are to young to choose their future jobs. As you get older you change your decisions on what you would like to be when you grow up. Such as when I was five years old I wanted to be an artist, but now i would like to be a Pediatrician. My chooses on what I would like to be have changed numerous times, since I was five years old. So if you chose want you want your profession to be at a young age you just might end up deciding this is not what you want to actually be.
There are many ways how twelve year old in our society tracked into their future careers. One way is by what celebrities are or do. To many kids celebrities are their role models due to their amount of fame and publicity. Such as becoming a football player, a singer, a baseball player, an actor, a author etc. Also some role models of kids are their parents, or family members, in my case my mother is my role model. Kids look up to their parents or family member because of all the things they do for them. My even because of how successful they have become on behalf of their job or profession.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
A Perfect World
Imagine living in a perfect world seems inpossilbe huh? But what would it be like. Everyone has their own "definition" of a perfect world here's mine...
In my perfect world there would be a lot of different aspects compared to our world but some aspects would be the same. In this perfect world there would be world peace and there would be no war anymore. Everyone would be treated eqaully and there would be no racism. Also in this perfect world there would be no crime and if so that person would be banned from this world because that will mean they are imperfect. There would be no pollution in this world because the people do not want to harm their perfect world. In each country they will have a democracy.
One day in this perfect world would be amazing. Everyone would be nice to you and treat you fairly no matter what race, gender, or religion. In this world the money would be back up by copper a cheap findable reasorce. In this perfect world everyone would want to live in it.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Special Blog Post
For school we had to respond to a video clip from the movie The Pursuit of Happiness with Will Smith in it.
In this video a father (Will Smith) is playing basketball with his son. His son is doing a good job but the father was never a really good player so he tells his son that he shouldn't seek a future with basketball be cause HE was below average so his son shouldn't waste time playing too much basketball. Afterwards his son gets discouraged so the father tells him don't let anybody tell you- you can't do something, always go after your dream and keep it alive. What this boys father said afterwards was really inspirational, if you ever had a dream don't let people tell you that you have no chance of pursuing that dream. Always go after it and maybe someday that dream will come true.
In this video a father (Will Smith) is playing basketball with his son. His son is doing a good job but the father was never a really good player so he tells his son that he shouldn't seek a future with basketball be cause HE was below average so his son shouldn't waste time playing too much basketball. Afterwards his son gets discouraged so the father tells him don't let anybody tell you- you can't do something, always go after your dream and keep it alive. What this boys father said afterwards was really inspirational, if you ever had a dream don't let people tell you that you have no chance of pursuing that dream. Always go after it and maybe someday that dream will come true.
I think this video relates to school today because many kids crush other peoples dreams without even realizing it, maybe even teachers might do that too. To stop this make sure you think before you say something that might crush someones dreams in life, even if you are just joking arounfd it can still affect that person forever. Especially teachers, many students look up to you as a role model so if you don't think they can do it, then they will believe it's true.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Maximum Ride: About the Author
I have just read a book not to long ago called Maximum Ride The Angel Experiment. It is a really good book and I would recommended it to people who love books that have a lot of action. Well is is a short biography about the author.
In 1985 James Patterson retired and completely devoted his time to writing instead. In the past 33 years he has wrote 71 novels, including the Maximum Ride series. He was picked by teens across America as the Children’s Choice Book Awards Author of the Year in 2010. He is the internationally best selling author of the Maximum Ride novels, and also including his other novels such as the Witch & Wizard series, Med Head, and many more. James Patterson books has sold more 250 million copies worldwide. He lives in Florida with his wife and son.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Maximum Ride: Short Summary
The three of them, Max, Fang, and Nudge get separated when Max helps a girl named Ella and is forced to stay with her and her mom due to a injure. Eventually they all find each other including Iggy and Gasman because Erasers invaded their house. Then they end up getting kidnaped by Erasers and taken to The School where they find Angel, and Jeb surprisingly. They all break out of The School and hide in a forest. Angel tells them about a institute in New York that has all there records of their birth, and parents. The Flock fly to New York. Where Max hears a voice in her head that some what helps them find the institute. When they do the print out all their information, but on their way out Max accidently kills Ari the son of Jeb and an Eraser. Jeb is heartbroken and tells her she killed her own brother, Max does pays attention to what he says. At the end The Flock finds all their information about them except Max. She tries to be happy for them and decides to find everyone’s parents.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Persuasive Letter
You’re the only mom I will every have and I love you. As your only child and only daughter there are a lot of things you do for me and I don’t always take the time to say thank-you but I'm doing it now. Sometimes it may seem like I don’t appreciate you, but those are probably the times I actually appreciate you the most, like when you discipline me. I’m always appreciating you, you helped me through the good and the bad. Even though you did so many great things for me with nothing in return but a simply thank you, there is this one last thing, I really want to get a hair cut.
I know you have some objections which is, why I would like to address them. Some of them I do agree with, like you don’t want a stranger cutting my hair, but don’t forget that my Aunt Maria is an excellent beautician and she could cut my hair. Most likely it would not cost a lot, maybe even none at all. I know it might end up looking ugly or not the way I expected it to be, but it’s okay I could just keep it in a ponytail or a bun no one would know the difference. I probably would just be happy I got it cut. Also another idea is that my Aunt Maria can cut two inches at a time then so we can picture what my hair will look like. You say it looks nice the way it is, I know it does there’s nothing wrong with my hair. However doing certain things such as putting my hair in a ponytail, or straightening it can be challenging with long but also thick hair. Most of all it’s my hair and don’t you want me to be comfortable on how my hair looks?
I hope this letter cleared up all of your concerns on this topic, and even make you start to question your decision. Thank you for taking the time for reading this letter.
Love You Always,
Christina Cartisano
I hope this letter cleared up all of your concerns on this topic, and even make you start to question your decision. Thank you for taking the time for reading this letter.
Love You Always,
Christina Cartisano
Friday, January 7, 2011
My Pet Peve
Why is it more and more often I’m finding that every time I buy then open a can of soda it explodes?
One spring afternoon my dad and I walk to the corner store known as 7-11. It was one of those super hot summer days, so we thought it be a great idea to buy a soda to cool our self down especially since the central air conditioning was not working right . It probably wasn’t the best idea because soda actually dehydrates you but we weren’t thinking about that at the time. As we walked in, we eventually went our separate ways, I looked around, while he bought a lottery ticket. Once I was near the drinks aisle I waited there for him. As I was standing there I noticed two teenage boys shaking a bunch of soda cans. When my father walked over beside me I pointed to them.
He said “Don’t point, you do not want to start trouble”.
I nodded and didn’t say a word and we ended up buying ice tea, Also before we left I stuck my tongue at them( I was about 5 years old at the time) when my dad wasn’t looking. Well at least we didn’t do home empty handed.
The Mess
Now lets say you bought a soda, and as you opened it , the can exploded. There goes already half the soda ,and your wallet and you didn’t even take a sip of it yet. When it explodes it gets everywhere, on the ceiling, the walls, the counter top,the floor, oh! and don’t forget your hands. You have to hurry up and clean the mess before it gets too sticky, which everyone knows it’s a hassle.
A Solution?
Maybe if soda companies made the cans bigger and kept the same amount of soda in it, not all of it would rush to the top. But I doubt them actually doing that. Companies like Coke or Pepsi's don’t care what happens after they buy the can, and they do not want to spend money making it easier for you. You could have bought a can of soda not drink it and throw it at a person’s head, as long as you BOUGHT the soda they don’t really mind.
Stop Buying It
The best way not to deal with “The Mess” do not buy soda, and you just might make yourself a little more healthier than the day before!
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